紐西蘭北島(North Island)的縮時攝影

這是 Bevan Percival 攝影師在紐西蘭北島(North Island)所拍攝的縮時攝影作品,他使用的相機是 Canon 5D Mark II,配合各種鏡頭與一個 Dynamic Perception Stage Zero 6ft Dolly 攝影滑車,歷經六個月的拍攝過程,才得這個令人驚豔的作品。

為了讓大家感受到這個作品與眾不同的視覺效果,Percival 對於這個作品的描述不是放在他去了哪些地方、或是他用了什麼樣的齒輪,而是他對於當時情境的感受:

I’m driven by chasing fleeting moments of dramatic light on beautiful landscapes and also capturing the night sky and milky way in all its glory is a real buzz. Not to mention curling up out under the stars beside all the gear for nights at a time catching some sleep here and there between checking the gear, changing batteries and staring up into eternity with spectacular meteors burning up in the cosmic shore out of the corner of your eye.

紐西蘭北島(North Island)的縮時攝影

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